
excerpt from “Digitus”

multi-channel video projection
14 min 31 sec

Digitus is a multi-channel video projection that presents looping, stochastic sequences of gesturing hands, examining the shifting boundaries of meaning in fragmented visual forms. Sourced from the omnipresent depths of the internet—stock footage, surveillance archives, social media clips—these disembodied gestures exist as data points, extracted and repurposed, detached from their original intent.

In a time when automated systems continuously capture, categorize, and sort human actions into datasets—waving, pointing, grasping, signaling—gestures become fragmented units of information, stripped of personal context yet reassembled into new configurations. Digitus reflects on how meaning is simultaneously diffused and reconstituted through repetition, as familiar hand movements cycle endlessly, shifting between recognition and ambiguity.

By recontextualizing these extracted gestures, Digitus highlights the instability of visual meaning in a time when images are perpetually collected, archived, and redeployed. What remains when the context is erased? How does an action—once an intimate, communicative act—persist as mere data, endlessly looped and reassigned? The project invites viewers to engage with these fluid, evolving movements, prompting a reconsideration of how gestures function within an increasingly mediated and surveilled visual culture.